Star Spoofs

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The wiki about Star Wars/Star Trek Spoofs and Parodies that anyone can edit

87 articles since April 2008


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Troops is a mockumentary film by Kevin Rubio, which made its debut on the Internet in 1997. The film is a parody of COPS, set in the Star Wars universe. In the film, Imperial stormtroopers from the infamous Black Sheep Squadron patrolling the Dune Sea on the planet Tatooine run into some very familiar characters while being filmed for the hit Imperial TV show Troops.


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What's new on Star Spoofs

25 April, 2008
Star Spoof is off and running! Please feel free to start adding information on your favorite book, movie, fan film, commercial, or other parody of the Star Wars and Star Trek universes!
01 May, 2008
Star Spoofs now has a logo! Star Spoofs would like to take this moment to say thanks to JoePlay for the logos.

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Star Wars spoofs
Star Trek spoofs

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